Motorcycle Repair: starting problem, yahama, coils

yes i have a 83 yahama 900 seca and it wont fire at all i changed all the iginition stuff but i cant get it to fire thought the coils

Hi Gene.

 If you are talking about the XJ900RK, then I just happen to have the factory repair manual from the one that I used to own.  So lets sort through the problem.

 You said that you changed all the ignition stuff, then I presume that you have also changed the coils.  If you are still not getting a spark, then there are 2 possibilities. they are;

1)  Bad wiring.  You have a short in the wiring, which is very likely.

2)  Bad CDI box.  The only thing that you can do for that is to replace it.

If you replaced the coils with used ones (rather than new), then you could still have bad coils.

Let me know what you find.
Good luck and ride safe.