Motorcycle Repair: ignition system/no start, fxstc, ohm meter

98 softtail custom 30000 miles Would run fine hit a bump and it would die.It may re-start or it may not. Seams like if you move the harness around under the seat /between the tanks it starts up.but not always. Been doing this about a year ,the last time it died it hasn't started since. Battery new, I have checked for scuffed or pinched wiring. Doesn't seam to be anything wrong? Is their some tests I can run with a ohm meter to narrow this problem down? Is their any history with the FXSTC and ignition problems? Any recalls etc... Thank you.  

Hitting a bump and shutting down would lead me to beleive that you ahve a short somewhere in the ignition system. What you need to do is let it shut sown and then start tracing wires to see where the power loss is. I would check all plugins first for a short
Good luck and happy riding