Motorcycle Repair: Road King, roller rockers, looking in the future


I bought a 02' Road King with a stock 88" motor and tranny.  It has Sampson pipes, and FI with SE air cleaner.  I'm looking in the future to do an upgrade to the motor; what do think of the 95" big bore kit and mild cam, roller rockers and baker tranny?

Also how much do you think it cost to do all this work?  And it is worth it?   Thanks...Roland

I would go witht he 95 upgrade. It will give more horses and will run alot better. Rollers rockers are alright if you are looking for less top end noise, but its expensive. When you say baker trans, you must be talking about a 6 speed. Whta that does for you is lower your RPMs around 300. Its great for the long haul but doenst do anything for you inthe city. When you look at what you gain compaired to the cost its alot.
Its hard for me to say how much the work cost, sue to the fact shops charge different labor rates and they are different all over the country. Check around at different shops for prices.
Good luck and happy riding