Motorcycle Repair: bike shuts off when trying 2 maximiz volacity, suzuki bandit, valocity

Hey collin I have a 92 suzuki bandit its been running great for the last month and a hafe . The problem is when I run the bike and I try 2 accelarate the bike boggs out and backfires at the same time the bike shuts off and the power goes out , the head lights shut off . Then after 2 or 3 secound the lights come back on and I can start the bike up again... I tryed putting carb and line cleaner let run for like 20 minute I also checked the fuses and still the bike does the same shut off when I give it gas for more valocity . But it stays on when I take it easy and ride slow ... Hope u can help me ... Thanks

U r gonna have 2 do more than run a carb cleaner.  Your carbs must come off and b completely cleaned.  Your bike has, at least it sounds like it to me, a VERY "lean" condition.  If u accelerate and it's pops and bogs then it's lean.  If u accelerate and it falls on it's face then u have a rich condition.  U r lean, clean your carbs thoroughly!  DO NOT seperate them from each other though, or u will throw off the vaccum.