Motorcycle Repair: Front Brake Bleeding, honda cx, brake caliper

Hi Collin; I have a 1981 Honda CX 500C Motorcycle that I can`t get the front brakes blead to save my life .I took the master cylinder apart and cleaned all parts and reassembled. Then I tried bleeding brakes acording to Clymer manual instructions with no pressure being built up at hand lever or Master cyl..I then removed hose from m/ brake caliper and filled master cyl. and put my finger over exit hole from m/cyl.and worked brake lever and m/cyl. worked as it should with excellent pressurt against my finger and reservoir drew fluid properly.Then I checked hose for holes or leakage by holding one end airtight and blowing into oposite end and no leaks at all.I  reinstalled hose to m/cyl. and caliper and tried priming system by pumping brake handle.Would not build any pressure at all even just to the end of brake line.I thaught there might have been an air leak somewhere not allowing a vacuum to build up to draw fluid out of m/cyl. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated . Thanks  JTL  

Common problem u have here.  Take off your caliper and clean throughly with brake cleaner.  Shoot it in any hole u can find including bleeder.  U have a blockage in the caliper and most of the time this will get it.  If not, u r looking at buying a new caliper.