Motorcycle Repair: honda s90 shifting problem, honda s90, position thanks

Hi, I have a 1968 Honda s90 with a shifter problem,   it is very hard to get 2nd gear. The only way I can get it is to go to 3rd and then sometimes it will drop in when I downshift very carefully. I have the case apart but nothing looks broke, worn or out of place. I would appreciate any help you could give me.

I could also use your help on how to get the valve chain back in the right position.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Dennis,

I cannot be much help without inspecting the engine and transmission.

You may be able to see obvious defects and damages, but you cannot tell the actual amount wear by looking at parts.

Parts must be measured to determine the amount of wear. When parts are worn beyond service limits, they must be repaired or replaced.

I recommend having a local tech inspect the parts for you, or get a copy of the service manual and learn about measuring parts.

If I can be of assistance otherwise, contact me. I return tech information files by email. Always include your email addy as part of your question.

Mark Shively
