Motorcycle Repair: 05 88B Running Poorly, lean condition, efi

Yes, according to the invoice from the dealer, it was remapped.  What I find frustrating is that the bike ran great right after I had the work done, but has gradually gotten worse over time.  The dealer is saying that they may have to remove the Stage 1 kit, I would really hate to do this.

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Question -
I have a 2005 88B EFI with SE slip-ons and Stage 1 kit.  It's really sluggish when accelerating and at times the motor will surge when cruising at a constant speed.  It also coughs (not backfire)once in a while.  I had the pipes and kit installed last September and the bike ran great at first, but I started noticing the problem two months later and it has gotten worse this spring.  It seems to be worse in colder weather.  Have you heard of any problems with newer EFI models and the Stage 1 Kit?

Answer -
Did you have the EMC remapped when you had the work done?

It sounds like the mapping wasnt done properly or there is another problem. With the EFI he only thing you can do is have a dianostic done on the bike. The coughing is probably from a lean condition at a certain RPM. Removing the Stage1 kit doenst solve the problem. I have installed many of these and remapped without a problem.
Good luck and happy riding