Motorcycle Repair: slow going, problen, plug wires

Last year it ran like a bear no problem going 80-90> mph

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Question -
Hi Mike I have a 1977 h/d sportster (iorn head) I just got it going for the season with fresh gas 93 octain. the problen I am having is this at first It would not catch so I turned up the idle and it starts much quicker, now it has no power when it is in forth gear. when it is in 4th gear it goes about 65 maybe 70 mph no more. and when it is on the high end it starts to back fire  any clue

Answer -
How did it run just before you put it away?

There are several things that can cause your problem. I wold start by testing the coil and plug wires. If they are ok, then check the carb for dirt in the jets. If that is ok then test the ignition, if you have electronic, or replace the points.
Good luck and happy riding