Motorcycle Repair: 1987 gsxr engine noise, stator coil, driven gears

christopher, I have an 87 gsxr 750. My problem is when cold it makes a knocking sound from the back of the altenator. I pulled out the alt to check the drive and driven gears they looked ok. I also checked the nut on the alt gear(i've seen these get loose on other gixxers).I've been told it could be the clutchbasket but thers no change when pulling or releasing. When I listen to the crankcase with a chassisear it quiet only at the alt can the sound be heard clearly.Please help! Danny  

Hi Danny.

Have you checked to see if there is damage to the stator coil,   the rotor assembly or internal engine case at the stator side?  Perhaps something is loosened or out of balance.

Try manually turning the engine (the same way you would to do the valve timing) and see if there is anything loose or otherwise out of the norm in that area.

Let me know what you find.
Good luck and ride safe.