Motorcycle Repair: S&S Engine rebuid, contry, mastiff

What about a 124"what are they worth? How about the instalation $$$?

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Question -
Just discovered my 96"has locked up... Rattled for a few seconds before I shut it down and refused to restart... Burned up my stock 1.4kw starter trying... Just pulled the starter and found that I couldn't turn the engine over (12"Crescent on the flywheel end of crank...) Just had the top end gone thru... Should've gone deeper? What should I expect too have to pay for a rebuild? Bike is '98 Big Dog Mastiff... Thought I might eventually drop a 124" in her but am in awe of the poop the 96" has anyway...
Any Advice would be appreciated./.. What's my 96" core with a great top end worth toward the 124" & install  Regards Kiwi
Answer -
Its hard for me to say how much a rebuild cost, due to the fact that labor prices are different all over the country. I can only comment on how much I would charge. My labor is $945.00 plus parts. I rebuild motors for riders all over the contry.
As to how much your motor is worth, its a buyers market. Its how ever much you can get for it.
Good luck and happy riding

For an 124 S&S you can expect to pay around $8000.00 for it. Like I said before, I cant quote prices for labor from around the country, but I would charge around $300.00 for instalation.
It would be cheaper for you to rebuild your 96ci motor.
Good luck and happy riding