Motorcycle Repair: ignition coil, prong plug, bike mike

Followup To Sorry about that, it is a 97 road king fuel injected. I had a problem earlier with it also and put a new voltage regulator also before this happened sometimes when cruising around 60 and I goosed it, it would stumble but not all the time and the plugs are sooty.
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I was riding my bike the other day and it just went dead with no warning at all. After a little bit it fired back up and then went dead again after taking off. I have since got it home and I'm not getting any fire from the coil. I pulled the coil off and not real sure how to check it, it is square with a three prong plug in type, also I have tried to see if I have power to the coil but so far have'nt been able to get any. Any help at this time would be great and thanks in advance.
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Whats the year and model of the bike.

The problem is you might have a bad senser somewhere. Your cam position senser might be bad. Since you have an injected bike the only way to be sure, without changing a bunch of sensers, is to take the bike in and have a dianostic done on it. then you will know what is bad and can change it out.
Good luck andhappy riding