Motorcycle Repair: 1980 Honda CB 750 Power, honda cb 750, stator coil

My bike fires up but when I let out on the clutch to take off it is like there isn't enough power to take off and it dies.  Not sure if it is a clutch problem or if it is a fuel problem.  I have also had problems with the battery, I put a new on in but is dosen't stay charged I think it might be the alternator, could that be the cause of my other problem also?

Hi John.

It does sound as if the stator coil is bad.  Test it by starting the bike and seeing what the battery is charging at.  It should be charging at about 14+ VDC.  If it is less, then the stator coil is bad.

As far as the bike dieing when power is applied, it could be a number of things.  The power and charging issue could be contributing, but there is also the possibility that the carbs are dirty and/or out of synch; the manifolds could be leaking; the timing and valves could need adjustment as well.

Start with all of that and let me know what you find.

Good luck and ride safe.