Motorcycle Repair: hoda spirit, oil seals, oil additives

i have a small leake of oil at the gear shift pedal can i put something in the engine to stop this leak or do i have to replace the gasket ,and if i have to replace the gasket is it an easy job or do i have to bring it to a shop.    thank you marc

Hi Marc,

Oil additives that are designed to stop leaks cause oil seals to swell. The chemicals actually soften oil seals and ruins them. Not just the target seal, but all that come in contact with the chemical. The seal conditioner additive may not even stop the oil from leaking.

The only way to fix a leaking seal is to replace the seal.

I find the task rather easy. You may find the task difficult depending upon your experience.

Get a copy of the repair manual and review the procedure of replacing the seal before starting the task. Work patiently.

Mark Shively