Motorcycle Repair: electrical, modual, broken wires

hi mike,need your help once again.I put back together a 93 sportster,used aftermarket directional lights and brake light.I .took the bike for a test spin and the signal lights and brake light were both working.however the headlight was apperently loose(oops) and it fell out. after this happened I put it back together correctly this time but now the left side signal works correctly but the right signal will only stay on continuously and no brake light. Ihave checked the grounds on both front and rear signals even running new ones but still nothing.I have taken the headlight apart to look for broken wires or loose connecters but every thing seems allright.the bulbs are single filament and are both good .The light by the tach flashes for the left signal but the right one stays on constantly just as the right signals do.any help would be appreciated as this has been driving me nuts for 3 days. thanks, mike losurdo
p.s. could I have shorted out part of the flasher module or does the whole thing fry when something is wrong?  

If you have checked all the wiring, and it sounds like you did, then your turn signal modual is bad.
However, the brake light has nothing to do with the turn signals. So what you need to do is check the wiring for it as well. It sounds like you have a short int he brake light system.
Good luck and happy riding