Motorcycle Repair: Stuck valve?, air fuel mixture, honda 750

I recently bought a '82 Honda 750 K w/ 7k miles. The bike is in excellent condition. I drained the tank, carb bowels, and added fresh gas changed oil and plugs b4 trying to start it. My problem is the bike runs fine under acceleration but on idle and part throttle one of the intake valves is not seating. ( I know this because I took of the air box to spray carb cleaner through them and the #4 cyl. is hissing on idle. If I spray the carb cleaner through this carb the idle goes up and the hissing stops until the carb cleaner is gone.)
My question is could this valve unstick or do I need to take the engine down? I don't want to cause any more damage. I thought maybe trying the old kerosene/ tranny fluid mix to untick it? What is your opinion?

Hi Ty.
 Well, to start with, the valve could be sticking or you may need new springs or it may just need adjustment.

 Check the valve adjustment first, since that hissing could also be the air/fuel mixture being sucked through the carb.  They are nearly identical sounds, except the valve would be pulsing, on/off and the carb is constant.  Then physically see if the valve is sticking.  If it is sticking, then try some Marvel Mystery Oil on it to clean it up and loosen it.  The timing and gap could be a little off, particularly if it was done wrong the last time.

 If none of that works, then check the springs.  Make sure that they are not compressed beyond spec.

Check those and let me know what you find.
Good luck.