Motorcycle Repair: 1982 yamaha 400 maxim, phillips screw, yamaha 400

Hey Chris

How much oil goes in each front fork of a 1982 Yamaha XS400J Maxim and what's the easiest way to fill them? I've been searching for days now, any help would be great.
Cory J

Hi Cory.
 To fill the forks requires removal of the forks.  There is a drain/fill hole at the bottom that is capped with a phillips screw.

 As far as the quantity, I am not certain, however the complete instructions for replacement as well as quantities and torquing specs are in the repair manual.  If you do not have one, then try to get the FACTORY repair manual.  While the Haynes and Clymers are very good, they lack the complete detail and specs that the factory manual has.

Good luck.