Motorcycle Repair: virago 750, free email servers, clymer manual

Hello there, I hope you can help.

I have a 1993 Yamaha Virago 750, 17000 miles. I have never had any problems
before. The other day, I was riding when on the highway, about 70mph, the
bike started to sputter, and when I pulled over, it died. I got it started
after a little while. After about a mile or so heading home, it died again.
I couldn't get it started. I hauled it home. When at home, I pulled the
plugs one at a time, and checked for spark. None from either plug.  The next
day, it fired right up. I checked the coil connections, cleaning them,
checked the continuity on the stair wires by the way the Clymer manual said.
Everything checked OK.

I then went riding again, and on the highway, about 65mph, is started to
sputter, I pulled over and it died. I got it restarted right away. I rode it
home on the backroads, not going over 50mph. No problems. I even made a few
starts and stops at a few places. No problem.

I do have an appointment for the local Yamaha shop next Wednesday, but would
rather not have to take it. They will be charging me $75.00 just to look at
it. If I could find out the problem first, I might be able to save some
money. I am pretty handy for some minor repairs, as long as I don't have to
get in too deep.

I appreciate any help.



Hi Ed,

I may be able to help you diagnose the problem.

FYI... I reply with test and repair files by email. There was no email address with this question as requested. Hotmail and Yahoo free email servers rarely accept my large files.

BTW... check the battery terminals for clean, tight connections. Do same for all connectors you can access. Use dielectric grease on same. Helps prevent water shorting electrical connections.

Mark Shively