Motorcycle Repair: 1982 yamaha xj750 starter clutch r&r, starter clutch, case thanks

my starter clutch after the bike is warm slips and kind of makes a grinding noise when you shut the bike off and restart it . you may have to hit the start botton 4,5,10 times before it grabs. how do i get to it to make an inspection? the haynes work shop manual breaks down the unit but is vauge on how to get to it . can I remove it from under the rear left cover 10 screws  or do i have to split the case . thanks for your help  

Hi Fixit.
 The problem is in either the starter gear or the starter motoe.  One of the gears there is obviously worn and needs replacement.  Start by checking the starter motor to see if the gearing on the shaft is worn.  If that is good, then it is one of the other gears in the starter mechanism.  From there you will be able to see where your best access will be.

Good luck.