Motorcycle Repair: yamaha tdr 125 enduro, head gasket, yamaha dealership

when selecting 1st gear the engine cuts out.
head gasket needs to be changed as oil has been overfilled by previos owner, got any advice about how to do this.
might need to do full engine rebuild, is there any where I can get manual for this type of bike, or anywhere I can get tec info for it.n

Hi Chris.
 Does the bike have a sidestand cutoff relay?  If there is one on the bike and it is faulty, then that would cause the bike to die when you put it in gear.  either replace it or bypass it.

 As far as everything els, just follow the instructions in the manual, which you should be able to get either through a Yamaha dealership, any decent bike shop or online at

Through a dealership or bike shop, it shouldn't take more than a week or two to get the book.  Also it will have all of the torquing specs that you will need when you put it all back together.

Good luck.