Motorcycle Repair: runs bad anything past idle, yamaha virago 750, static test

I own a 86 yamaha virago 750. a couple month ago i was having problems with my plugs like one was failing, i replaced them and about a week later the same type of problem, i have removed my carbs and cleaned the jets, and again the same problem, i have noticed my tac jump a couple times also whem the bike acts up.This leads me to think electrical, but i do not know...can you help...

Hi Shawn.
 Yes, this does sound like an electrical problem.  You need to get the wiring diagram, which is in the repair manual and see which systems are common to both affected areas.  My guess it that is where the problem is located.  Likely something grounding out intermittently or arcing across common wires, possibly.

You may also want to do the static test of the coils and see if they are both within specs.  If not, then get them replaced as needed.  But test them first to be sure that you are not just replacing good parts.

Good luck.