Motorcycle Repair: Fuel delivery prob w/1985 Z50R Minibike, honda z50r, octane gas

Nice to meet you "Sidecar"!
My son and I are repairing a previously-running 1985 Honda Z50R minibike, and can't seem to get any fuel through the carb.  We've disassembled the carb and cleaned it well, and both the needle/seat and throttle needle looked clean and straight.  We're definitely starving for fuel, so the float is floating, and I've worked the fuel/air screw 2 turns either side of the "1-1/2 from seated" starting point with no changes.  The idle screw is 1 turn in from first touch of the throttle sleeve, not that that's our problem.  Each time I've taken it apart the bowl has been full, too.
A shot of starting fluid will get the motor to fire (easily), but as soon as it burns off she sputters and dies.  The gas is very-new 87 octane - could a higher octane gas make that big of a difference?
I'm lost for a clue - have you ever dealt with a similar situation?
Thanks in advance for any advice!


I don't have any experience with these specific bikes, but it sounds like you have a clogged passage or jet in the carb. The fuel is getting to the carbs but not to the engine.

I would recommend taking the carb apart and boiling it in a metal pan of distilled water on the barbecue for 20 minutes or so at a slow boil. This should soften & any debris which can then be blown clear with a spray can of carb cleaner followed by a blast of compressed air through every passage.

When you take the carb apart make sure you take note of where each jet or other part comes from so that yu can put it back the right way. Some carbs have 2 jets that look alike but have different size holes and won't work properly if you mix them up. has good instructions and recommendations about cleaning GoldWing carbs. Most if it applies to a lot of other carbs too.

I would also recommend you try to get a shop manual. They are often available for free download but it may take a bit of searching to find it.