Motorcycle Repair: laid over bike, suzuki gs 500e, time barry


I recently laid over my Suzuki GS 500E 1996 into an orchard and now it is having trouble accelerating around 7,000 rpms in 5th and 6th gears. It runs good until i need that spurt of speed to jump to 70 mph and above. It just came out of the shop and was running really well. The acceleration was going great and then after i laid it down on a shouder that was made up of dirt and sand. Do you have any idea why it is having trouble?

Thanks for your time. Barry

Hi Barry.
 Right after the lay-down, did you get the carbs re-synchronized?

One of the semi-invisible bits of damage that any accident does is to throw the carbs out of synch.  When this happens, your performance goes down.  Sometimes rather dramatically.

Another thing to check (even though it's the least likely) is to make sure that no sand or dirt got past the air filter.  If it did, then you are really in trouble there.

Start with those and let me know what happens.
Good luck.