Motorcycle Repair: Painting, grit sandpaper, howlong

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I have recently purchased a 2003 Suzuki 650s. I have also just purchased a new fairing body kit for it. I am an artist and a airbrush painter. I want to airbrush the new fairings badly. However i do not know what i am going to need. What else should i do besides airbrushing it. Its not like canvas so do i prep it wit a base first ? please help. Thank you.
Answer -
I am going to assumn that the faring is not painted. You first have to start by priming it and sanding it. Sand with 600 grit sandpaper. Then paint the color you are planning. Do more sanding with 1000 grit sandpaper. Now you can airbrush it. Next clearcoat the parts and sand with 2000 grit sandpaper and then buff it out.
Good luck and happy riding

Thank you very  much for the info...just one more question. The surface is already primed. as I sand it I sand in back in forth motion only correct? also after i apply base coat how long should i let it sit before sanding that, also after i apply airbrush and clearcoat howlong should clear coat sit...just enough to let it dry or day or two?

The sandpaper to use is a wet/dry sandpaper. you can sand in any direction you want.  On how long to let the paint sit. Check with the people who are supplying the paint. There are different drying times for different brands of paint. They will be able to help you out.
Good luck and happy riding