Motorcycle Repair: 1987 Suzuki LT250R Quadracer oil leak, suzuki lt250r quadracer, crankcase oil

Motor oil finds it's way into the left case where the magneto is.  Which seal is likely to be leaking?  How is it replaced?  Thanks for your help!


 I'm assuming this oil is a bit dirty looking and thin.  If so you may be dealing with leaking main seals.  These are the seals at either end of the crankshaft that create a tight barrier in the intake system.  They can leak the fuel/oil mix out and let lean air get in and cause drastic problems.
 If this is not the case and this is a 4stroke model (not familiar with quads) you may still be dealing w/ a bad main seal, it's just crankcase oil.  Either way the case needs to be split and the seals changed as well as many other things at the time.
