Motorcycle Repair: steering alignment, goldwing interstate, precision measuring tools

I have a '87 goldwing interstate which I recently repaired after dropping bike in gravel. I have everything back together including new handlebars, faring, fender and misc parts. I removed the front forks  and had them checked for damage but they were okay. After assembly, the handlebars are cocked @ 3-5 degrees to the left side when the front wheel is straight. How do I realign the bars to the wheel?

Hi Denny,

Have you checked the forks for striaghtness? I suspect the forks are bent slightly.

I would remove the forks and check them. They may be tweaked back into shape.

The triple clamp or steering stem and clamps may be tweaked a bit. Checking these requires precision measuring tools and V-blocks. You may find another means to check if you don't have these tools.

Mark Shively