Nissan Repair: 1988 Nissan Pulsar NX XE Running Rich, nissan pulsar nx, fuel pressure regulator

QUESTION: Hi, I recently replaced the head on my 1.6L E16i due to a failed head gasket. The car will start (if you engage the starter unusually long) and run(rough) until you can just feel the valve cover getting warm, and then it will die. I suspect it is running rich due to the smell and my spark plug color.

I've already replaced plugs,wires,cap,rotor,02 sensor, and fuel filter. I also replaced the vacuum line going to the fuel pressure regulator. Any ideas as to what might be goin on?

ANSWER: Hi Grant -

If it started running bad right after the head gasket work, then it probably is related. Have you re-checked the timing? Also if the timing belt was put back even one notch off, it will run like that. Checking the timing will verify.

Also check the alignment of the timing mark when the engine is at TDC. Should be at 0 and the rotor pointing to the #1 spark plug tower on the distributor.

Let me know of your findings

Hope this helps -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for such a prompt response. Yes, I've checked the static timing at least 5 times now. I've also noticed that while rough idling, if you rotate the distributor, it has little to no effect on the condition of the idle. Regardless of what I do, it still runs rich.

Hi Grant -

If you are not getting a check engine light, then it must not be a sensor. Perhaps one of the vacuum hoses are not connected right, for instance when the car is warming up it is what you call a "cold loop". Once the thermostat opens the engine goes into a different mode. I am thinking one of the vacuum hoses is not connected properly.

I apologize, as it is hard to determine with the car not in front of me.

Hope this helps -