Nissan Repair: Inf QX4 Steering lock, power steering fluid, steering locks

QUESTION: Hi Calvin,

About one month ago, just after pulling out of my driveway, the steering on my 1999 QX4 locked (about 1 second) while turning it slightly right. I lightly forced it, it unlocked, and then worked fine.

Two nights ago, same thing; just after pulling out of my driveway, turning the wheel slightly right again it locked and wouldn't budge for about a count of 2 this time, and then released as I slightly forced it to correct. Then, as before, the steering worked fine afterward and has worked fine the last two times I drove the car since.

Maybe, maybe the steering is a bit heavier than normal, but just a bit - and it could be my imagination.

Any ideas?

I checked the power steering fluid level and it seems fine (assuming the power steering is the round chamber under the hood that reads "Caution Fill to Proper Level").

ANSWER: Hi Ron -

When you say the steering "locked" could you turn it at all, with great effort, or did it lock solid such as when you take the key out of the ignition and the steering locks that way?

Is there any noise coming out of the steering at all?

Any information you can give me will help with the diagnosis.

Please get back to me -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Aloha Calvin,


No noise coming out of steering.

When it locked it literally wouldn't budge (to the right - the direction I was trying to steer - I didn't try steering to the left) at all for 2 or seconds, then it released and turned normally after staying on it. So, I think the info you are looking for is this....the steering wasn't difficult in the direction I was turning the was a solid lock - that then released after 3 seconds of continuing to force the turn.

Then it just works normal for a month...?

Hi Ron -

This sounds like the rack to me. I had this happen a while back, same deal the steering would all of a sudden lock and won't turn. It is difficult when it only does it sometimes, but I would take it in and have the steering rack checked for binding.

Hope this helps -