Nissan Repair: 92bluebird/stanza ac problem, nissan bluebird, pressure switch

So I wouldn't have to worry about the high pressure line blowing up? and also the previous owner cut the low pressure switch out and tied the wires together, I'll just try find a low pressure switch at the local parts store, also I can't seem to find the high pressure switch does this car have one? It's a 1992 nissan bluebird with a ca20e motor. thanks in advance


The pressure switch should be wired in to make the system cycle.  But, the expansion valve would an issue if the compressor was not cooling properly.  Check system pressures to be sure the pressures are within range.  Most parts stores sell airconditioning books for about $20 bucks with the system pressures listed for each vehicle.  If the high side is too high a pressure bleed off valve will open and expel refrigerant.