Nissan Repair: 1999 Maxima air conditioning, nissan dealer, auto parts store

QUESTION: Hello Cal:
Ran across your website and thought you might be able to give me some help.  I have a 1999 Maxima and the air conditioner has gone out according to the dealer.  We also need to replace the sepertine belt.  The dealer suggested replacing the entire unit rather than just the compressor and the belt.  I live in Southern California and was wondering if you could estimate what this should cost me to replace.  Thank you!

Cliff Moore

ANSWER: Hi Cliff -

I will need more information from you -

Has the a/c been down for a while?
What were the symptoms of failure?
Why was the compressor ruled as the failed item?

The a/c system has many components, main ones being compressor, condenser, accumulator, receiver/drier, and many hoses and valves. Compresssors can be purchased from anywhere between $300 to $500 rebuilt, at any auto parts store. Installation is usually done by technicians with proper equipment.

It can get costly depending on what is wrong with your system. I have seen people spend several thousand dollars to get their system fixed, average being about $2500.

Hope this helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Calvin for you speedy response.  Here are answers to your questions and a follow up as well.  The air conditioner was making some clicking noises for a few weeks and my son drove it to Las Vegas.  Did not plan on using the air conditioner, but in a moment of not thinking turned it on and the compressor froze.  This is turn snapped the belt.  He immediately turned off the air, but the damage had been done.  Luckily he was able to make it home.  What my follow up question is has to do with the other components in the system and what are the chances that they have been compromised as a result of the compressor freezing up?  Should I go ahead and have everything replace or can I take it a step at a time starting with the compressor?  The Nissan dealer gave me a quote of $2400 to replace the entire system and I had a quote of $1050 from a local mechanic to do just the compressor, the belt and A/C filter.  Thanks again for your expert opinion.

Hi Cliff -

If the breakdown was recent as you say, then I would try to just replace the compressor. Have the mechanic check to see if there are any metal shavings or filings in the system as a result of the frozen compressor. If it was only the clutch, then you should be OK. Replace the compressor and in line filter, have the system flushed, run a vacuum to check for leaks, and then add refrigerant.

That should do the trick -
