Nissan Repair: Lost reverse in 96 sentra, nissan sentra, dirty gas

I have a 1996 nissan sentra, has over 200k (odometer works when it wants  (for over 5 years)).  I just replaced the starter 2 weeks ago, and 3 days after I did that, I seemed to have lost reverse.  When I put in Reverse it either takes a really long time to engage, or don't engage at all.  But if I rev it up, it engages sparaticly, making for some rough backing up.  I also get a real strong smell of dirty gas is all I can think of.  Almost smells like gas and oil burning.  Any suggestions?

Hi Clayton -

Looks like your transmission is starting to go. The smell you are experiencing is probably the tranny band slipping. Reverse gear is usually the first to go as it has the lowest gear ratio. Assuming that the trans oil level is OK, I have a couple suggestions:

1. Change the trans oil if you have not already. Don;t forget the filter.

2. There is an awesome additive called AT205, sold here in Hawaii by Carquest. It has proved great result in my travels, I would acquire it and add it to your trans fluid.

If all fails, then a transmission overhaul is in your future.

Hope this helps -