Nissan Repair: 89 pathfinder problem, windshield wipers, altenator

I have been having a power problem with my 89 Pathfinder.  It started one day when I was driving home. I turned on the lights and the truck stalled out and the battery was dead. Had the altenator tested, it was bad and replaced it. Recharged battery and everything seemed OK for about a day. Now it is doing the same thing again. Windshield wipers and windows all seem very slow.  There was some corrosion on the positive battery cable and I cleaned it off.  Battery charger says battery is full.  But it still stalls out and when it does the battery is dead.  When it stalls it seems like it is not getting gas, it jerks and jumps.

Hi Cheryl -

Please check your battery under load. Looks like it is failing when there is load applied to it. You can do this a couple ways - take it to a shop, or do it yourself. The quick test is to get a voltmeter and check to see if your battery has 12 volts. Turn your lights on - the voltage should not drop more than one volt. Try starting the car, leaving the lights on. If the engine just clicks, or does not turn at all, then replace the battery. Once the battery is replaced, get the voltmeter and connect it to the battery once again. You should have 14 volts while the engine is running, and performing the above test (starting the car with lights on) should pass -

the driveability problems are related to the weak battery and should go away.

Hope this helps -