Nissan Repair: 2000 Nissan Maxima, nissan maxima, body control module

My car won't start, it have been making a noise as if it don't want to start, but it would start. I tried to start it today, it wouldn't make the noise, what could this be. I replaced the starter about a year ago. I was told by the people that replaced my rotors that I needed to replace my alternator belt, the belt isn't broken. I had a 99 Maxima that had a problem also with the key. What problem does this sound like? Any help would be appreciated.


IF the car will not start and makes no noise I would get the battery jumped and see if it will start.  If a jump will not work then get the battery charged.  If a fully charged system will not turn the car over would lead me to think the replaecment starter has gone out.  Now, you did say the key was giving you a problem?  Use your other key to see if the body control module has lost the programming for your primary key.  If the belts have not been changed I would do so and make sure the hoses are good too.  My wife has a 2000 Maxima and just last year I replaced the belts and hoses.  Lastly, if the battery jump or charge does the trick then make sure the alternator is working properly and the belt gets replaced.