Nissan Repair: Check engine codes p1320, p0302 on 1996 Maxima, wrecked car, wrecking yard

1996 Maxima - Upon starting the car the other night noticed rough engine, and check light came on and then began to flash,.  Checked the next day and had code p0302 (misfire cyl 2), changed spark plug same code, switched coils from cyl 2 and 4 (to check coil) same code for cyl 2, thought I could hear cyl 2 injector activate but replaced cyl 2 injector (with junk yard injector from 93 Altima, no Maxima available) seemed better for one day then same symptoms/code, checked resistance on coil and injector same as rest, checked compression on cyl 2 same as cyl 4, tonight I changed fuel injectors between cyl 2 and 4 and seems to run okay now but have only driven it a few miles.  I doubt if it's fixed, long term, just frustrated as I can't find any malfunction.  The junk yard injector is now in cyl 4.  I ruined the original.  Any suggestions on what to look at if the problem reappears?


Sounds like you have your problem in order.  The injectors seem to be going bad.  I have had to replace several on Maxima cars of your year.  First thing I would do is replace all the sparkplugs and source a set of injectors from a wrecking yard for your maxima.  Then I would drive it and if no problems you are there.  If you continue then you start switching out coils and moving them around to get the problem to move with them.  Replace those that are defective.  Also, check to make sure the injector plugs are in good order and if need be, source some from a wrecked car and solder them in and heat shrink the solder joint.