Nissan Repair: 2006 Pathfinder, brand new, dash board error, dash board, scan tool

Hi,  I just bought a pathfinder 2006 today and the dash board indicator, telling me what gear i'm in, just starts spitting out non-sensical data, just garbage.  I brought it to tech and they said electrical all checks out?  I plan on bringing it back on monday.  Do you have any ideas about the problem?  I have a picture i took with my camera phone at this link showing what is being displayed on the dash board.



Take it in to Nissan.  They have a consult II or consult III scan tool and can see what is going on here.  I think the computer that is internal to the cluster for the odometer is defective.  Tell the dealership that and that should give them the information to narrow down their search for the problem.  But, from my experience, the computer chip that drives that display looks to be going out.