Nissan Repair: 2001 V6 Frontier Timing Belt, tensioner pulley, radiator fan

98000 miles and I am about to attempt to change the timing belt.  Will you give me some pointers on what to change out in conjunction with the belt (Seals, Thermostat, spring, tensioner stud, pully, etc...)  and what to look out for during the process (What are the risk involved)?  I have read your other comments like removing the radiator and lining up the engine to top dead center.  


Yes, get the timing marks on TDC and remove the radiator, fan and belts to get the accessories out of the way.  I love Nissan timing belts and while you are at it get the tensioner pulley.  Other than the above follow the manual and I would put a new water pump on while I was doing the job.