Nissan Repair: knocking sound on left turns, cv boot, cv joint

I have a 1992 Acura Integra.  Almost everytime I make left turns I hear a knocking/cranking sound from the front.  Just started recently.  I think it may be the CV joint or the engine mounts.  A few years back I had to get the engine mounts fixed.  Maybe it is the front left side axle.  ?What do you think causes this noise?  I use my car to commute quite a bit.  I put the car through a lot.  It has 183,000 miles.  I just need a point in the right direction so I can inspect it further.


Crawl under the car and see which constant velocity (cv) boot is blown.  What you are describing is a worn CV joint and that usually is indicated with the noise.  But, before this happens the CV boot tears and the grease leaks out.  So, you should see the boot on the defective side torn and there should be a nasty grease mess on the inside of the wheel where it has leaked out.  The boot that you are looking for is on the inside if the fender and is connected to the driveshaft that comes from the transmission.  Your car is a front wheel drive and there is one on each side.