Ford Repair: 91 ford explorer, electrical relay, battery connection

I have an electrical short in the relay system of my ford explorer. comes and goes.... sometimes when i shut the hood i hear a realy either inergize or deinergize? when this happens i can pull the 30 amp large electrical relay fuse and hear the same thing.  If i dont disconect the battery it will drain it compleatly over a weakend?  any ideas as to what to look for? my first thought is that it might be the ignition switch not shutting off compleatly?  thanks for your help

Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
 I hope you have a Amp/Volt meter, because that's what you 'll need to track this problem down.
 Remove the positive battery connection, and have the meter set to AMP. Then hook the leads up between the battery terminal and the battery cable. You will notice that there is a reading, note it down. Then start pulling fuses, one at a time and watch the meter. When it drops to less then .03A you have found what circuit your drain is on. You can then start to look at the components individually for testing or replacement.
Hope this helps,