Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: fuel cell, tank repairs, algorythm

what is a fuel cell in a olds 1994 what are the  signs that it needs repair

If your referring to the fuel tank,repairs would probabally mean it is externally leaking.
If your referring to the Fuel trim cells, that is an algorythm programmed into the PCM. the short answer is ; It is a trim value based on inputs. The data is stroed in "cells".
I have been working on GM's for almost 20 years, and have NEVER ran across anytime one could diagnose a vehicle due to Fuel cells. (fuel trim cells). Unless the PCM is faulty, which would have other drivabality issues other than fuel trim cell readings. All you can do is read the cell the car PCM is in. Thats it.
I hope this helps.
Good Luck