Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: passenger climate control, passanger side, climate control

1996 olds regency elite 3800 series motor. Today  my passenger side vents started blowing warm air.  Earlier it was fine. While the drivers side is cold. The rear passenger vents are also blowing cold  air I checked all settings The ac is working great. The car is equipped with a passenger climate control on the door. It wasn't moved could it be the climate control on the door or ?

I would believe that either the Passanger side temperature Mode actuator is stuck in hot, or the passanger side switch is faulty.
Best advice would be to take it to a repair shop in your area, and have them scan the system and check for codes.
Also if they look at data, maybe they'll see the temp. acuator not moving.
I wish I could be of more help.
I really do hope this helps.
Good Luck