Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 95 Buick LaSabre clicking sound, buick lasabre, idler pulleys

Greetings -

The sound only happens when the car is in motion - Sounds like a card stuck in the spoke of a bike from childhood. When we checked it with the hood open, the sound seems to be coming from the top left of engine. No loss of power, still runs smoothly and starts fine. As the car moves, the clicking gets fasterAny suggestions?

My husband thinks it could be bearings, but I believe it is coming from the 'alternator' or something close by it. ANy ideas would be great-

Thank you so much!!!

 Though i cant hear the noise i can only guess as to what your describing,if its a bearing noise in the engine compartment and its close to were the belt is,it could be an alt bearing noise,also ive seen the ac compressor make a noise simular to what you describe,an attempt to isolate the noise,first see if the noise goes away or gets worse when you switch on or off the ac,another way is to disconnect the serpentine drive belt and see if the noise is gone,or take a long screwdriver,hold to your ear and begin probing it to the different pulleys and accesories to isolate the noise,also dont overlook the belt tensioner the idler pulleys etc.