Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1990 buick Tach. drops out then engine sputters, buick riveria, temperature gage

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On my 1990 buick riveria 3.8 the tach. drops out after 20 to 30 minutes of running, sometimes.
The engines runs fine until the temp. gauge drops out. Then the engine will stall or just surge for some time. If I can keep it running until the temp gauge returns to normal the engine will smooth out and sometimes the tach. will return also. If that happens then the car will run fine for hours. It has left us stall on the side of the road for 30 minutes but has always started eventually for us, so far.
Is this wiring connection problems or the crank sensing unit or something else.
Answer -
What work has been performed on this vehicle prior to this problem ?.
The only work in the last year is the transmission had work for a sound in reverse and a new battery was installed.


This one is NOT going to be easy as there are so many possibilities. Wat concerns me is that the temperature gage goes erratic. This could be a sign of a possible thermostat problem in the cooling system of which IF the thermostat was opening and closing at random would effect the operation of the engine temperature gage as well as the COOLANT SENSOR of the vehicle that is the MAJOR componnet is your electronics system that determines the amount of fuel that goes into the engine.

When this fault occurs and the vehicle will NOT start, You need to determine at this critical time if you are losing spark to the spark plugs or fuel to the engine. Once this is established we can then do some more diagnostic work.
