Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Dumpin gas, coolant temperature sensor, oldsmobile firenza

hi, i have a 1982 oldsmobile firenza 1.8L   it is dumpin gas into the oil...i dont really know what could cause this..im not that good of a mechanic....so ...could you give me a list of things it could be? thanks for your time...

What makes you think that your engine is flooding ?.

When you turn ON the ignition switch without the engine running, Can you feel any fuel dripping from the fuel injector(s).?. If you can feel a wetness or dripping of the injector(s) replace it/them.

A faulty COOLANT TEMPERATURE sensor can cause this problem.

A restricted exhaust system such as an internally partially plugged catalytic converter can cause this problem.

A faulty fuel injector driver within the vehicles ECM (computer) can also cause this problem.

THINK BACK of ANY KIND of repairs that have been amde to this vehicle prior to this problem.
