Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: fuel pump, dash lights, gas tank

I replaced a fuel pump on a 89 olds 88 v-6 almost 4 years ago. now it seems I am not getting fuel again I talked to a napa fellow and he said it might be a fuel relay. but no one knows where it is can you help?

Fuel pump test:

1. Get yourself a helper.

2. remove the gas cap.

3. have one person listen in the gas tank at the gas cap opening.

4. have the other person turn the ignition switch to the ON position ONLY so as the dash lights come on. Do NOT attempt to start the engine.

5. As soon as the ignition key is turned to the ON position, The person at the gas tank should hear the fuel pump run for TWO SECONDS and then it should STOP.

6. Does it ?.

If you do NOT hear it run, in most cases the fault is the fuel pump.

LOcate the RELAY center in the engine compartment I believe just behind the right side headlights and it is the closest relay towards the radiator.

Or you can probe the GRAY wire going into the fuel tank and when you turn ON the ignition switch it should illiminate for 2 seconds and then shut OFF. Does it.

I may not be correct in the relay panel loaction so if it's NOT there let me know where it is.
