Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 95 Buick PA (57000 miles) engine dies, heater fan, fan motor

Previously described problem - engine cuts off when slowing or coasting. NEW INFORMATION: Yesterday I continued to experience this problem, BUT under these circumstances. When the heater was off: NO stalling or engine cut off. WHEN THE HEATER ( and fan ) WAS ON: THE ENGINE WOULD CUT OFF EVERY TIME I SLOWED OR COASTED. RPM HAND WOULD SWING WILDLY AND AS IT NEARED ZERO ENGINE WOULD DIE. I REPEATED THiS EXPERIMENT PROBABLY TWENTY TIMES AND THE SAME THING HAPPENED EVERY TIME : NO ENGINE CUT OFF OR WILD SWINGS IN RPM WITH HEATER OFF !!!! WITH HEATER ON - WILD SWINGS IN RPM AND ENGINE DIE EVERY TIME !!!!!.... Your input please. bob  

Hello Bob
this sounds like you have to much curent goimg threw the heater switch or fan motor . i would get a diagnostiac test on the wireing and heater fan and switch so you can be sure where the problem is this way u wont br replaceing every thing and costing much money .

please rate my service pete