Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 96 buick regal ignition switch, air bag deployment, torx screw

how do i replace ignition switch?

hey john, pretty easy  first disconnect neg batt cable.don,t forget this or possible air bag deployment.remove airbag  screws behind steering wheel.unplug the plug for bag and horn.remove steering wheel nut.pull wheel. usually you can grab both sides of wheel and vigorously jerk one side and then the other or use a puller.notice two marks on wheel and shaft for reinstall line them up.now you are looking at a white turn sig switch.remove the screws remove sig lever pull straight up on switch enough to lay aside out of your way.now there is a lockplate there.you will need to press down on plate and remove lock ring {they make a tool for this called lock plate depressor}remove plate.there is a torx screw right in front of you remove this .now lock will pull out.good luck please vote for me billymac