Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 95 Olds Windows wont work, circuit breakers, fuse box

All of a sudden the windows don't seemed to be getting any power. I have checked the fuses and circuit breakers and couldn't find any problems. I swapped circuit breakers and no help. Is there another place where power could have been interrupted?

hi allen,well you must make sure you have power at the circuit breakers.this will confirm no prob behind the fuse box.next check all fusible links under the hood near the batt or on the starter. another thing to make sure is that you have a good ground going to the master switch and that the plug on master switch is still plugged in most likely if you have power at the master switch then master is bad as all the power is distributed through this switch.and try moveing key one way or the other while vehicle is off maybe a prob with ignition switch .good luck please vote for me ty billymac