Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Speedometer Cable Problem, buick skylark, speedometer cable

Hi, I have a 1985 Buick Skylark with over 115,000 miles. I just bought it! And just the other day while I was driving I noticed that the speedometer was bobbing up and down then all of a sudden just went down and won't move anymore. can you please help me here with this? Do I have to be an expert to fix this problem?

>> Do you think it is just in the cable for this problem?

>>If so....what do you think is wrong here with this issue?

>>Where would I have to locate and access this cable and what do I need to do to resolve this matter?

>>Thanks for taking the time to read this request!! Any info. would truly be appreciated!!!


Tom B.

hello tom
you will have to replace the cable it runs up to the speed domtor it is not hard to do get a new cable and then just baisic hand tools dis pos cable when you pull speed domotor out of dash it just screws in both ends good luck to u and if u need more help let me know pete