Pontiac Repair: 1999 pontiac grand am gt, symptoms of a blown head gasket, blown head gasket

At a  fresh start, within minutes car will overheat to 230 +..turn vehicle off and hear gurggling...Thursday I would get warm heat for a while , then it would blow cold.
Friday, same problem, but no heat at all, had to run fan full blast to keep motor temp. at 200.
Just had all new lifters installed, mechanic said the heads were okay because he did a pressure test???
Help..I just paid $950 on repairs, but have the same problems as I had before the repair.

Hi brenda:

sounds like a head gasket issue. What you discribed to me is classic symptoms of a blown head gasket or even worse a cracked head from driving it while it's over heating. the aluminum parts in that engine don't take too kindly to be ing over heated. With out seeing it I can't tell you for sure but I wouldn't keep driving it when the engine is cold check the coolant level and top it off if it's low. also pull the dip stick out and check the engine oil if it looks cloudy white or milky colored DO NOT DRVIE it coolant is mixed into the oil and it will damage the engine if you keep driving it that way. good luck :-)