Pontiac Repair: Check engine light, rust belt, p0442

Hi Todd - I have a 99 Boneville SSE that has had the check engine light on for a couple of months. I have mostly determined that its the gas cap. I bought a new one and that fixed the problem - for a while. Now it is back on and I have to have an emissions test and have been told that they won't pass it if the light is on. Just wondering if there was a quick fix or another gas cap related issue I could address. Thanks much -

Hi Pamela:

well it all depends on what the code is for as to why the car failed the emission test.Without knowing what the code is It's just a guess.I can tell you that if it has small leak code p0442 and you live in the rust belt like I do chances are the fule filler pipe (filler neck) is more then likley rotted out causing your leak. If if failed for some other reason it depends on what the code is as to what the issue is for. Good luck :-)