Pontiac Repair: Rattling Noise when turning right, pontiac bonneville, wheel bearing

Hi Todd - I have a 99 Pontiac Bonneville SSE. Recently a rattling noise has started when I turn right - and only right. The noise can not be heard when the car is jacked up and looking/listening for the noise. I've had the wheel bearing replaced, new brakes and a strut. It sounds like there is a rock in the wheel - but we've checked for that. Its been suggested that it is the CV axel but we are not sure. Any pointers of where/what to look for would be swell. Thanks!

Hi Pamela:

It could be a CV joint Outter on the side you hear the noise comming from. "usually" a CV joint will only make noise when turning sharply going straight they rarely make any noise at all. let me ask you this did the noise crop up AFTER the wheel bear was replaced or was the bearing replaced chasing this noise. I have seen aftermarket wheelbearing amke some really strange noises especially if they are not istalled correctly and the not on the CV joint is not torqued correctly. obviously with out hearing it I can't tell you what the issue may be but it's just a guess. last thing would be possably the backing plate for the brakes rubbin on the rotor when the car leans into a turn. other then that there isn't much it could be.

Good luck :-)